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Bükki túra 2010. 10. 1-3.

Első őszi hosszú túránkat a Bükkbe szerveztük. És ha Bükk, akkor bizony a híres-hírhedt csurgói ház. Nekem az első, de a többiek ódákat zengnek róla.

Kimondott kiscsoportos túrának ígérkezett, mivel egy kocsiba koppra befért a csapat. Név szerint Drogos, Ryan, Zé, Hepe, Frenky.

Az odaút eseménymentes is lehetett volna, ha… Ha megtaláljuk a Tecsót. Vagy Miskolcot építették át vagy a GPS alkalmatlan a feladatra (bocs Hegyó J), más tipptyem nincs, de fél óra keringés után a közönség- és a telefonos segítség elhasználásával tudtuk csak megkezdeni az ellátmány beszerzés végrehajtásának megvalósítását.

Zsákmánnyal megrakodva végre elértük a házat. Szép. Gyors egyeztetés, vacsoraszerű táplálkozás, görnyedés a térképek fölött. Básszus, a Bodzást be is kell nittelni! Próba a nittbeütővel. Négyen állunk neki, de csak tíz perc alatt sikerül beütni. Na, ezzel holnap még szopni fogunk!

A borús másnapot a tojásrántotta indítja el, ha meg tudnám enni. Marad a kenyér rágcsálása a teával. Célunk a Bodzás oldali egyes, kettes víznyelők.

Kocsival tartunk a cél felé, majd gyalogra váltunk. Az úton fölfelé gyönyörű szép gombák, mohák, harasztok. Azért egy kis zsörtölődés, ki is vigye fel a közös motyót.

Elérjük a Bodzást, beöltözünk, legórjuk a kötelet és Ryan leereszkedik a nittbeütővel felvértezve. Az már most látszik, hogy a kötél durván fölfekszik. Várunk, sokáig nem történik semmi, majd fény tűnik fel az akna szájában, előkerül Ryan feje. És cirádás körmondatokban sorolja a nehézségeket. Najó, nem nittelünk, menjünk tovább. Hegyó rejtélyes kiszsombolyos térképeinek most hasznát vesszük. Itt van a közelben a Csemetekerti víznyelőbarlang. Nem is köteles, na legalább nincs ami felfeküdjön.

A bejárat egy helyes kis, meseszép patak mellett van, pára, zöld növények, a csobogó víz, mind-mind gyönyörű. Érdemes pár percre megállni és körülnézni. Na, de barlangászni vagyunk itt, gyerünk csak lefelé! Előtte lehámozom magamról a slószt. Hiba volt.

A térkép említ egy travit, de ez ránézésre több annál. Tékára kötünk egy kötelet és szépen ledülferezünk. A réseken át csepeg, csurog, folyik be a víz, hiába itt van a patak valahol fölöttünk. Jókora agyagos szmötyi nehezíti a bejutást a Denevér-terembe, de ezen átkúszva szépséges cseppkövek és egyéb geológiai látnivalók tárulnak szemünk elé. Na meg néhány denevér és csontok. Aztán egyszerre csak felbukkan némi maradvány. Úgy látszik valaki épp a járatban feledkezett meg magáról. A leletben gyümölcsök magvai is vannak, innen az ötlet: itt bizony nyest tanyázhat. Ryan hamarost elkezd kifarolni, nem szeretne a szűk részen szembetalálkozni egy megriasztott, vérben forgó szemű nyesttel.

Mindannyian vissza a kiindulási pontra, aztán át a beszédes nevű Szifonon. Egy rövid kuszoda, amiben persze szügyig áll a víz és még csordogál is az utánpótlás. Ide csak három mindenre elszánt barlangász megy be. Agyaglejtő, amin a lecsöpögő vizek kis „agyagcseppköveket” hoztak létre. Innen egy kis travizással elérhető a végpont, aztán mást már nem is látni. Indulunk kifelé. A travinak nevezett részen Ryan pár lépésből feljut, Dóri hozta a slószt, én meg… én meg próbálkozom lépőhurokkal, kepesztéssel, de sehogy sem érem el a lépést. Így hát lekönyörgöm a slószom. A maillon csupa agyag, a mellest eleve körülményes befűzni, megszenvedek a kijutással.

De megérte. Amilyen kicsi a barlang, olyan szép és szinte él.

A közelben még egy zsomboly van, az Útmenti. Télleg közel van és télleg útmenti.

Elkezdődik a beszerelés, közben egy helybeli ember gyönyörködik bennünk és felszerelésünkben. Leérve az első aknába megint csak fekszik a kötél mindenhova.

Egy szűk nyílással indul a következő akna, de túl szűk, túl felfekszik, túl nincs téká, dübel, akármi. Áh, hagyjuk, nézzünk körül itt, nem kell mindenáron erőltetni. Szép kis barlang, de az előbbi sokkal kedvesebb volt. Menjünk is ki, itt már nincs több dolgunk.

Kiszerelés után ebédelünk, beszélgetünk, figyeljük egymáson a sün-kór tüneteit: giliszta-fogyasztás, pisze orr, gomb fülek. Egyelőre mindenki negatív. Jól el is ment az idő, lefele tartunk, megint gyönyörködünk a gombákban. Zében feltámad a gombavadász, de bármiféle határozó nélkül nem mer senki belevágni.

A kocsihoz érve kiderül, hogy Hepének bizony tankolni kell, evégett Miskolcra be kell látogatni. Jajj, most kénytelenek leszünk megvárni őt Burger Úrnál. Annyira kár…

Hamburgerek, turmixok, kávék fogyasztása, egy párocska akusztikai bántalmazása.

Visszaér Hegyó, elfogyasztja hamburgerét, kérem vigyázzanak, a menet indul! Következő megállóhely a Szikla.

A tévében Megasztár, X-faktor, valami ilyesmi a helyi közönség lelkesen szurkol kedvencének. Mi bevonulunk söreinkkel és szolid csocsómérkőzés kezdődik. Pörgetni nem ér! Drogos nagyon okosan a ruháját szárogatja a radiátoron. De a többség hagyja vizesen rothadni. Mármint a saját cuccát. Csocsó után darts, a nyilak mindenhova repkednek, szerencsére a tábla körül elég nagy a parafa védőburkolat, nem lyukadunk át a szomszédos helyiségbe. Muszáj lesz kijelölni biztonsági- és veszélyzónát.

Tök jó a hely, jó a móka, de az igazi ok, amiért kitartunk itt, az a csapat bővülése. Valiék ugyanis szélsebesen száguldanak felénk, érkezésük este kilencre jósolható.

Jópár sörön túl vagyunk már, mikor megjönnek. Addigra viszont megkomolyodunk. Van aki lassan már indulna, de Gábor és István még nyom egy darts partit, Zoltánnak pedig még csomó van a söréből.

Felérve a becuccoláskor kiderül, hogy orvul elfoglaltam Valiék törzshelyét. De mivel ez első Csurgózásom, szemet hunynak a vétség fölött.

A költözködés után takaros száradó overál és nyúl paraván mögött megkezdődik az esti ülésszak, amelyben végül megszavazódik a holnapi túraterv.

Vacsora után egy kislétszámú különítmény indul barlangba, ami nagyon vizes és nagyon szép. És egy pele lakik a környező bokrokon.

Annyira szép, hogy csoda még én is hangosan(!) lelkesedem, és annyira vizes, hogy konkrétan ömlik a nyakunkba minden.

A felszínen már mínuszok vannak, így parancsra a kiérés sorrendjében nem várva senkit egyenként indulunk haza, de a házhoz már egyszerre érkezünk.

Fél kettőkor megnyugtatjuk a felszíni ügyeletet és egy sör mellett még beszélgetünk.

Így nem csoda, hogy Hegyó másnapi aznapi ébresztőjére nem reagálunk.

Mára is közeli kis zsombolyok vannak. Lassú készülődés, amibe még belefér a Bálványoson álló kilátó megvizitálása és a Tátra csúcsainak észlelése. Sőt, a régi sífelvonót is megtaláljuk, de forgatni nem sikerül, Pityke szerint a csigahajtómű miatt.

Nagy sokára elindulunk a Bánkút közelében levő Nyárjúhegyi zsomboly és barlanghoz.

Bánkúton némi CIVILizációra bukkanunk, turisták jönnek szembe az úton. Majd a sípálya mellett bevesszük magunkat az erdőbe. Most nem kell túl sokáig keresgélni, viszonylag hamar rátalálunk a barlangra, aminek a bejáratában hatalmas levélkupac éktelenkedik.

Meg is kezdjük a túrát, egy darabig még térdig süllyedünk az avarban, aztán egyre omladékosodnak a lemászások. És egyre több a denevér, úgyhogy megfontoltabban mozgunk.

Egy kis fonal húzódik a járat mentén, így eltévedni sem lesz módunk. Tán az utolsó lemászás előtt állunk, vagy inkább akna ez, vagy mi? És az sem biztos, hogy az alja az, amit látunk. Nézzük jobbról, balról, fentről, lentről, sréhvizavé, de csak nem akarózik senkinek sem lepróbálkozni.

Kiérvén megkeressük a zsombolyt, ami nem nagy kunszt, mivel pont fölöttünk van pár köpésnyire.

Ámde a bejáratnál mindjárt szalamandrát látunk. Rövid, húsz méteres ereszkedés után már lent is vagyunk, és újabb szalamandrát találunk. (Ők be is lettek jegyezve tudományosan, igényesen a vadonlesőbe). Az akna alján egy lejtő, tele omladékkal. De a falak magasak, tán a felszínig ér a járat. Aztán egy rövid átbújás és máris egy omladékos teremben vagyunk, amire talán a varázsdoboz szó illik a legjobban. Mászunk erre-arra, föl-le de mégis a teremben vagyunk, látjuk egymás fényét az omladékkupacok között. Akárhogy óvatoskodunk azonban, egy kisebb omlás elindul és a sisakomon landol. Ryan erre letiltja a további felderítést, és kifelét vezényel. A lejtő alján az omladék miatt lelassulunk. Ugyanis meg kell várni, amíg a kolléga elér a lejtő/emelkedő tetejére, közben kőlavinát indítva, majd megvárni, míg felér a felszínre és eltisztul a lyuktól, mert a kötél alatt csak egy embernyi a hely és pereg le az avar, némi kővel fűszerezve.

Így hosszan eltart a kifelé, van idő fényképezésre, Pityke kattogtat is rendesen.

Csak kint töprengünk el igazán, hogy bizony ha hirtelenkedünk, csúnyább vége is lehetett volna, mint egy kis kőomlás.

A házhoz visszaérve a csodás napsütést és meleget élvezzük a jó ebéd mellett. Napozunk, szárítkozunk és sehogy sem fűlik a fogunk az újabb zsombolyokhoz, amik pedig itt vannak „közel”. Miközben a verőfényes őszi napsütésben a száradó overálok nehéz illatot lehelnek a lágy szélben, turisták érkeznek, bekukkantanak a házba, körbeleskelődnek, majd cuccainkat nézve felteszik a kérdést: Barlangászok vagytok? – Igen. – Látszik.

Na, köszönjük szépen.

Mostmár több barlang nem lesz, így szép lassan készülődni kezdünk.

Összepakolva a cucc, de nem a legjobb a hangulat. Ryannek kavarog a gyomra, az ebédje is kárba veszett, Vali „erdőt lát”, Zét meg engem különös viszkető kiütések borítanak homloktájon. Pedig nem is aludtunk egy szivacson.

De összegezve: Bükk ismét megmutatta, hogy nem csak a felszínen szép, hogy érdekes állatvilága van, hogy érdemes Csurgóra jönni, érdemes barlangásznak lenni!


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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    CBD Gummies - Cannabidiol Gummies Discover the pinnacle of CBD indulgence with CBD Guru’s exquisite CBD Gummies. Crafted with precision and care, our premium CBD Gummies UK are designed to elevate your wellness routine to new heights. Immerse yourself in a world of natural relief and delightful flavours, all packed into each delicious gummy variety. At CBD Guru, we take pride in sourcing the highest-quality hemp extracts to create products that transcend ordinary CBD edibles. Our CBD Gummies are meticulously formulated to provide a consistent and reliable CBD experience, ensuring you receive the full benefits of this remarkable compound. CBD sweets and gummies are precisely as they sound – delicious gummy sweets that deliver cannabidiol. They can be infused with a variety of CBD infusions, ingredients, and flavours. The design can be simple, extravagant, decadent, and everything in between. When it comes to choosing the best CBD sweets & edibles, you'll have to take the time to fin...
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    CBD Gummies - Cannabidiol Gummies Discover the pinnacle of CBD indulgence with CBD Guru’s exquisite CBD Gummies. Crafted with precision and care, our premium CBD Gummies UK are designed to elevate your wellness routine to new heights. Immerse yourself in a world of natural relief and delightful flavours, all packed into each delicious gummy variety. At CBD Guru, we take pride in sourcing the highest-quality hemp extracts to create products that transcend ordinary CBD edibles. Our CBD Gummies are meticulously formulated to provide a consistent and reliable CBD experience, ensuring you receive the full benefits of this remarkable compound. CBD sweets and gummies are precisely as they sound – delicious gummy sweets that deliver cannabidiol. They can be infused with a variety of CBD infusions, ingredients, and flavours. The design can be simple, extravagant, decadent, and everything in between. When it comes to choosing the best CBD sweets & edibles, you'll have to take the time to fin...
  • how long to let vape coil soak  - Bükki túra 2010. 10. 1-3.
    CBD Gummies - Cannabidiol Gummies Discover the pinnacle of CBD indulgence with CBD Guru’s exquisite CBD Gummies. Crafted with precision and care, our premium CBD Gummies UK are designed to elevate your wellness routine to new heights. Immerse yourself in a world of natural relief and delightful flavours, all packed into each delicious gummy variety. At CBD Guru, we take pride in sourcing the highest-quality hemp extracts to create products that transcend ordinary CBD edibles. Our CBD Gummies are meticulously formulated to provide a consistent and reliable CBD experience, ensuring you receive the full benefits of this remarkable compound. CBD sweets and gummies are precisely as they sound – delicious gummy sweets that deliver cannabidiol. They can be infused with a variety of CBD infusions, ingredients, and flavours. The design can be simple, extravagant, decadent, and everything in between. When it comes to choosing the best CBD sweets & edibles, you'll have to take the time to fin...
  • what does elf bar energy taste  - Bükki túra 2010. 10. 1-3.
    How delicious are our CBD gummies? Don’t just take our word for it, professional football player, John Hartson, said “I take the 4800mg gummies and I love them. I don’t have to worry about missing my CBD, all I do is put the tub in my gym bag and I can take it in between sessions. I can already feel the benefits and the flavours are great”. If that’s still not enough, just check out our amazing 5 star reviews on Trustpilot from over 3000 testimonials from happy customers across the UK. Join the SupremeCBD family today to start benefiting from our incredible edibles. Free UK Delivery on All Orders Over £50 Enjoy FREE UK delivery on all orders of £50 or more. Don't miss out on this amazing offer and make the most of your CBD experience with our delicious gummies, delivered straight to your door! Shop now and unlock the power of CBD Gummies in the UK
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    Your CBD experience will rely greatly on a number of factors. These include personal bioavailability factors (such as height, weight, and body mass), the strength of your CBD oil product, and the supporting ingredients. In general, CBD has a gentle calming effect for the mind and body. In CBD oil sweets, containing ingredients to boost energy or nutrition, that calming effect can help to focus the mind. In relaxation-based products, that calming effect can be more pronounced — especially CBD products formulated for sleep.Is CBD Legal In The UK?Yes! CBD is legal in the UK, provided the product contains less than 0.2 THC as measured by dry weight.
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    There is no penalty for taking a thoroughly tested and carefully formulated cannabidiol product. Your mind and body will thank you, and local law-enforcement agents recognise the legal availability of these hemp items. You never need to worry when purchasing a CBD gummy product.
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    CBD GUMMIES Our CBD Gummies give you a flavourful blast of wellness-boosting CBD, with a wide variety of formulations to choose from. Our gummies have been formulated for everything from sleep and superfood supplements to multivitamins, diet aids, and more! If you’re looking for a CBD product that’s sweet on the taste buds and potent enough to serve your wellness needs — no matter what those needs are — we’ve got just the gummy for you! CBD is a great natural wellness product, due to the way it interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which helps the body maintain homeostasis (balance) in several of its key functions, including mood, memory, sleep, appetite, pain and inflammation, motor control, and more. Because it’s sort of a Swiss Army knife when it comes to overall wellness, CBD is an ideal compound to match with other vitamins and nutrients to make a more robust wellness aid. CBDfx’s gummy collection gives a wide range of products, from the original mixed-berry CBD-onl...
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    How many CBD gummies should I start with? If you are new to CBD we recommend starting off with a lower dose. Your metabolism and body weight will also determine how many gummies you should take and how long it will take the for it to take effect. All of our packaging comes with recommended guidelines. Are your gummies Vegan? Yes. We’re proud to say that all of our gummies are 100 vegan and made with plant-based ingredients and do not contain any animal products or by products. How do CBD gummies work? Taking our edibles is convenient, efficient, and effective method for introducing the potential benefits of cannabidiol into your body. The cannabinoids in gummies are processed through your digestive system and interact with receptors located throughout your body. Are CBD gummies safe to take? In the UK, CBD gummies are classified as food supplements, so they must abide by the same regulations as other products within this category. This requires all ingredients to be safe and for cle...
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    WHAT ARE CBD GUMMIES? CBD Gummies are the most effective, delicious and convenient way to take your daily dose of CBD. Each delicious, calming, vegan gummy contains only 15 calories and helps you so support stress and anxiety throughout the day.CBD is short for Cannabidiol - one of over 120 known compounds found in the cannabis/hemp plant (Cannabis Sativa L.) while Gummies are delicious, sweet cubes of delight that can be taken anywhere and offer the perfect way to get all the benefits of CBD while on the move. CBD is the second most prevalent compound in the plant, is non-intoxicating and has been shown to help ease anxiety, improve sleep and promote muscle recovery by supporting the body’s natural endocannabinoid system. The role of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is to maintain homeostasis (balance) across all of the vital systems within the human body. CBD interacts with the ECS receptors distributed throughout our brains and nervous systems, helping to regulate functions inclu...
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    Where can you find some of the best tasting CBD gummies in the UK? Easy, you can find them all here on Orange County CBD. Our range of CBD gummy bears and CBD sweets are a delicious and discreet way to get your daily dose of CBD. We stock only vegan CBD gummies, making them accessible to everyone! What Are CBD Gummies? CBD gummies pair all the benefits of CBD with the great taste of gummy sweets. Made using our multi-award-winning CBD and the finest, vegan-friendly gummy recipes, our CBD gummies are the easy to dose, easy to take and undeniably delicious - making them the perfect choice for newbies! All of our CBD gummy sweets come with a recommended dose right on the label. However, the number of gummies you take in a single session may vary depending on your own health and wellness goals. If you’re unsure how many gummies you should eat, you can check the recommended dosage guide on the back of the pack. Generally, the larger the pack, the more CBD potency it provides. Numerous fa...
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    Your CBD experience will rely greatly on a number of factors. These include personal bioavailability factors (such as height, weight, and body mass), the strength of your CBD oil product, and the supporting ingredients. In general, CBD has a gentle calming effect for the mind and body. In CBD oil sweets, containing ingredients to boost energy or nutrition, that calming effect can help to focus the mind. In relaxation-based products, that calming effect can be more pronounced — especially CBD products formulated for sleep.Is CBD Legal In The UK?Yes! CBD is legal in the UK, provided the product contains less than 0.2 THC as measured by dry weight.
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    Orange County is proudly plant-powered: all our CBD Edibles are made from 100 vegan ingredients. You can enjoy the succulent taste of juicy Cherries, Peaches and Strawberries without compromising your ethics or dietary preferences. Plus, our CBD oil is sourced from 100 organically-grown hemp. Our vegan-friendly CBD edibles are made with top-quality ingredients and packed with organic broad-spectrum CBD. Halal roughly translates to ‘lawful’ or ‘permissible’ in English: this is a term used in the Quran to describe practices that adhere to Islamic law.Under Islamic practices, substances that ‘curtain the mind’ are considered the opposite of Halal, otherwise known as Haram, meaning ‘impermissible’ or ‘unlawful’. THC is considered Haram, as it is an intoxicating substance. However, CBD has no psychoactive properties. Here at Orange County, our products are sent off for third-party laboratory testing to ensure the level of THC is undetectable. Therefore, our CBD gummies are halal. ‘Kosher...
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    These reputable brands are recognised for their dedication to quality, transparent sourcing and manufacturing practices, as well as positive feedback from customers. However, it is vital to consider that the optimal selection for you may be influenced by your personal preferences and specific necessities.It’s advisable to explore different brands and read reviews to find the best CBD Gummies that align with your needs and taste preferences. 
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    CBD Gummies are a new twist on the CBD supplement, providing a convenient and fun way to get your daily dose of CBD. These chewy sweets are made of CBD and come in a variety of flavours and shapes. They are also THC-free. Gummies are the most convenient way to take CBD.The CBD in these gummies is not a sedative, so it will not make you fall asleep. You should be mindful of your body’s signals to know how much CBD you should take.Some people may feel more energised in the morning or after a workout. In such a situation, best CBD gummies UK can also work as a reminder to drink water or eat a snack. Ingredients in CBD Gummies UK:Before purchasing any sort of CBD gummy, be sure to know what they are made of. Your gummies should come with a certificate of analysis, which certifies that they contain no more than 0.3 percent THC.These certificates will also show that the gummies passed laboratory tests to determine whether they are free of harmful adulterants or pesticides. When shopping f...
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    The THC concentrations in CBD Guru products are below detectable levels. These THC-free broad-spectrum CBD Gummies will never flag a drug test. The reason for this is simple: no one tests for CBD. Athletes can use it in the Olympics, the elderly are thriving on these products, and plenty of people are only taking these products to enhance their daily lives. There is no penalty for taking a thoroughly tested and carefully formulated cannabidiol product. Your mind and body will thank you, and local law-enforcement agents recognise the legal availability of these hemp items. You never need to worry when purchasing a CBD gummy product.
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    CBD edibles do not need to be refrigerated unless you are living in a hot climate. They will be comfortable below 25 degrees Celsius. However, CBD edibles should be avoided from coming into contact with direct sunlight. Excessive heat for a sufficient period can cause long-term damage to the taste and potency of this item.
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    The rate of uptake for CBD varies, depending on a few factors, such as age, weight, metabolism, and the type of product you use. CBD gummies have medium absorption, meaning they are typically felt after 20-30 minutes. Each person reacts differently to CBD, so you may find it can take shorter or longer for the CBD to be absorbed into your system.We recommend up to 3 gummies per day for the 300mg regular strength jar or 2 gummies per day for the 900mg high strength jar. Depending on the strength you choose, you can expect the following doses per gummy:Regular Strength CBD Gummies, 300mg: each CBD Gummy is 10mg CBD.High Strength CBD Gummies, 900mg: each CBD Gummy is 30mg CBD.Our CBD Gummies can be enjoyed alone or they're great to mix and match with our CBD Oils and CBD Capsules.We know our gummies taste delicious and it would be easy to eat the whole tub in one go, but it is important you limit yourself to make sure you do not take too much CBD. We recommend taking no more than 70mg a...
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    Getting your daily dose of CBD has just got even easier with SupremeCBD thanks to our range of mouth watering CBD Gummies. Our CBD Gummies are designed to be easy to take, easy to store, and easy to have while you're out and about. All you have to do is simply pop your grab bag or tub in your bag for easy reach when you need them most. And because our gummies are the size of most jelly sweets, they're the perfect addition to your morning routine and easy to take. CBD Gummies are also one of the best ways to take your CBD safe in the knowledge that they’ll be working their magic and providing beneficial goodness for hours. Our Grab Bags Are Perfect For Taking CBD Gummies On The Go If you have a busy lifestyle - family, work, kids - it's easy to forget about taking your CBD when you need it, which is why we have you covered. To make it easy to get your regular dose of CBD you can now buy our CBD gummies in handy grab-bags, as well as our recyclable tubs. And not only that, we now offe...
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    How to take CBD Gummies for the best results: There are many benefits of CBD Gummies, but the question of how to take them is still a bit mysterious. Here are some of the most common questions and answers.You can also read more about their ingredients. You may also be interested in how to take them at work. After all, how can CBD gummy help you in the office? Let’s find out! Keep reading! Then, you will be able to decide if they are for you!  Taking CBD Gummies with you to work is a convenient way to boost your energy levels and combat anxiety. These tasty treats do not take up much space and will not disturb your day. Besides, there are no obvious side effects that will draw attention to your consumption.These tasty Gummies are as harmless as any other supplement or medication. So, you can use them without worrying about being judged or ridiculed. CBD is an effective pain reliever. When taken regularly, these Gummies can significantly boost your energy levels. It has been shown tha...
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    How delicious are our CBD gummies? Don’t just take our word for it, professional football player, John Hartson, said “I take the 4800mg gummies and I love them. I don’t have to worry about missing my CBD, all I do is put the tub in my gym bag and I can take it in between sessions. I can already feel the benefits and the flavours are great”. If that’s still not enough, just check out our amazing 5 star reviews on Trustpilot from over 3000 testimonials from happy customers across the UK. Join the SupremeCBD family today to start benefiting from our incredible edibles. Free UK Delivery on All Orders Over £50 Enjoy FREE UK delivery on all orders of £50 or more. Don't miss out on this amazing offer and make the most of your CBD experience with our delicious gummies, delivered straight to your door! Shop now and unlock the power of CBD Gummies in the UK
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    CBD edibles do not need to be refrigerated unless you are living in a hot climate. They will be comfortable below 25 degrees Celsius. However, CBD edibles should be avoided from coming into contact with direct sunlight. Excessive heat for a sufficient period can cause long-term damage to the taste and potency of this item.
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    How delicious are our CBD gummies? Don’t just take our word for it, professional football player, John Hartson, said “I take the 4800mg gummies and I love them. I don’t have to worry about missing my CBD, all I do is put the tub in my gym bag and I can take it in between sessions. I can already feel the benefits and the flavours are great”. If that’s still not enough, just check out our amazing 5 star reviews on Trustpilot from over 3000 testimonials from happy customers across the UK. Join the SupremeCBD family today to start benefiting from our incredible edibles. Free UK Delivery on All Orders Over £50 Enjoy FREE UK delivery on all orders of £50 or more. Don't miss out on this amazing offer and make the most of your CBD experience with our delicious gummies, delivered straight to your door! Shop now and unlock the power of CBD Gummies in the UK
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    Your CBD experience will rely greatly on a number of factors. These include personal bioavailability factors (such as height, weight, and body mass), the strength of your CBD oil product, and the supporting ingredients. In general, CBD has a gentle calming effect for the mind and body. In CBD oil sweets, containing ingredients to boost energy or nutrition, that calming effect can help to focus the mind. In relaxation-based products, that calming effect can be more pronounced — especially CBD products formulated for sleep.Is CBD Legal In The UK?Yes! CBD is legal in the UK, provided the product contains less than 0.2 THC as measured by dry weight.
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    CBD GUMMIES Our CBD Gummies give you a flavourful blast of wellness-boosting CBD, with a wide variety of formulations to choose from. Our gummies have been formulated for everything from sleep and superfood supplements to multivitamins, diet aids, and more! If you’re looking for a CBD product that’s sweet on the taste buds and potent enough to serve your wellness needs — no matter what those needs are — we’ve got just the gummy for you! CBD is a great natural wellness product, due to the way it interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which helps the body maintain homeostasis (balance) in several of its key functions, including mood, memory, sleep, appetite, pain and inflammation, motor control, and more. Because it’s sort of a Swiss Army knife when it comes to overall wellness, CBD is an ideal compound to match with other vitamins and nutrients to make a more robust wellness aid. CBDfx’s gummy collection gives a wide range of products, from the original mixed-berry CBD-onl...
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    CBD edibles are a simple and delicious way to enjoy the benefits of CBD. Whether you’re looking to reduce anxiety, manage pain, or simply promote relaxation, CBD edibles are a convenient option that can easily fit into your daily routine. At BritishCBD, we offer a variety of CBD edibles that are infused with high-quality CBD oil, providing you with a simple and effective way to enjoy the benefits of CBD. So why not try our CBD edibles today and see the difference for yourself?
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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    Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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