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Már nagyon vártuk a csoport második külföldi túráját, amihez nem is kell annyit autózni, hiszen itt van a szomszédban, Felsőhegyen.
Még itthon számos barlang közül válogattunk, a helyiek pedig biztosítottak arról, hogy lesz alkalmunk megnézni őket. Sajnos a szervezés ideje alatt a csapat megcsappant, de még így is hatan vágtunk neki az útnak egy fő bakonyival, Pepével kiegészülve.
Viszonylag hamar a májusi naplementében lépünk át a határon, innen pedig nincs messze a hely, ahol találkozunk helyi protektorunkkal, Bercivel. Persze Kelempászosan egy másik benzinkúthoz érkezünk, mikor Berci elénk jön nem túlzottan boldog, de a házban már oldódik irányunkban és a kis zöld gömböc mellett szívesen mesél a rozsnyói barlangászok múltjáról-jelenéről. Nameg a hétvégi túralehetőségeinkről. Itt tanuljuk meg és kúszik agyunkba a báázzméég, és a picsóúbá szavak értelme, jelentése, hang- és kiejtéstana. Különösen, amikor valami Sányi nevű túravezetőt próbál elérni mobilon. Aztán többszöri visszaülés után végleg elindul Aggtelekre, barlangász buliba.
Magunkra maradtunk, de azért cseppet sem bánkódunk, igaz a rádión csak szlovák adókat lehet fogni. Azért idehallatszik valamiféle, szerencsére magyar nyelvű rokkoncert is. Jones mindenáron le akar menni, de végül belátja másnap aligha mennénk akkor barlangba.
Nyugovóra térünk, miután kialakítjuk a másnapi túratervet. A cél a Ponorna priepast, magyarosan „víznyelő akna”. Három csapatban támadunk. Az első alakulatot Ryan vezeti, sajnos a térképünk nem kielégítő, a GPS pedig a másik csapatnál. Azért walkie-talkie van nálunk, de a jelentős távolság és a domborzat miatt csak délután tudunk majd egymással kommunikálni.
A hegyen szép fenyvesek között vezet az utunk, majd egy zsombolyra akadunk. Úgy tűnik nem ez amit keresünk, de közelebb megyünk megnézzük. Elöl igyekszem, míg Csibe kisebb kerülővel felülről közelít. Ekkor kövek zaját hallom, egy puffanást. Mikor hátranézek Ryan a földön fekszik és egyre szürkülő arccal fogja a térdét.
Bekövetkezett, amire senki sem számított. Ryan működésképtelenné vált. Annyira, hogy tiltakozott az injekció ellen, amit állítólag én akartam beadni neki.
Rögtönzött elsősegélynyújtás, amelyben a dobozos sör hűtési feladatokat lát el. Egy hevenyészett „sín” fából és hevederekből. Törést nem találunk, de nem bír ráállni.
Közben megtanácskozzuk a teendőket. Elindulunk a kocsi felé, de egy másik úton, mivel a toronyiránti utat nem tudnánk megtenni. Már vagy egy órája botorkálunk, amikor előreszaladok az útig. Itt már bejön a vétel, Pepe csapata odaért a parkolóhoz. Szerencsére itt van 200 méterre, odaszaladok és a többiekkel kiegészülve Ryanék elé megyünk.
A mentés után elindulunk a barlangba, Ryant magára hagyjuk sérülésével és néhány doboz sörrel. A beszerelésben segítek Pepének, vagy ő segít, mindegy, a lényeg hatalmas türkizkék meztelen csigák fészkelnek az összes fogásban. A dübelek elhelyezése érdekessé teszi a kötélvezetést, az utolsó előtti lejtős akna kifejezetten bizalomgerjesztő, a kötél több ponton érintkezik a fallal, a felső kikötésről meg inkább nem is beszélek. Az már csak közjáték, amikor leereszkedem Pepe mellé egy párkányra. A megosztások hiánya miatt bekuckózom egy védett zugba, leszerelek a kötélről, Pepe lemegy, felkiált, hogy mehetek. Igen ám, csak a kötél közben elment a picsóuba. Kínos helyzet, végül Hepe leereszkedik, így közel tudjuk bűvölni a kötelet és végre mehetek. A barlang szépsége nem igazán fog meg, a párkányon eltöltött várakozás pedig elvette a kedvemet az utolsó aknától, így oda Csibével nem megyünk le. Kifelé gyorsan haladunk bár a korábban szétkent csigák miatt némiképp undorító.
A felszínen rádiózok Ryannek. Nincs jól, így a kiszerelő csapatot nem várva elindulok hozzá.
Közben megváltozott a véleménye, Jones beviszi Barcikára kórházba. Mi többiek vissza a házhoz, de előbb még keresünk geoládákat elhagyott vasútállomásokon, hidakon. Egy helyütt a régi bakterházban lakó nő érdeklődik hevesen arról mi a fenét is csinálunk. Persze szlovákul, amire mi nem igazán tudunk reagálni, inkább folytatjuk a ládakeresést. Végre elunja magát, és magyarra vált. Attól félt mókázni jöttünk, ahogy a többi fiatal pár szokott. Persze lehet a nálunk fennálló 2/1-es arány izgatta. Ezt már sose tudjuk meg.
Visszatérünk a házba, telefonon tájékoztatjuk Bercit, majd hatalmas tüzet rakunk a hűvös estében. Később megtudjuk, Ryanék nem jönnek vissza, Pestre mennek a balesetire. A hír hallatán szomorúságunkat az elhagyott készletek felélésével próbáljuk elverni. Jones ágyasából hurkapálcákkal próbáljuk kipiszkálni a szilvákat, ami többszöri próbálkozás után egész jól megy.
Késői nyugovóra térés.
Reggel Hepe brutális szlovák nótás, villanyfelkapcsolós ébresztője után megesszük az itt maradt virslis bolondságokat. Megcélozzuk a Szarvas zsombolyt, begelünk felébredünk, majd indulunk a remélhetőleg nyitott sorompóval védett terület felé a nem nagy, hanem „kurvánágy” turistaház mellé. Szerencsénk van, fel tudunk menni a kilátás pedig meseszép!
Hamar meg is van a barlang, a szolid bejárat tág aknát rejt. A pszichés átszerelést a rövid belógás teszi emlékezetessé. Majd jön a nem hosszú, ámde faltól igencsak távoli ereszkedés. Hatalmas első akna. Jön egy mókás felmászás, amit kapaszkodókötél segít, ide poát szeretnék akasztani. Csakhogy a kötél alja kb. 2 méterre van fölöttem, a fal csúszós. Kedélyesnek látszó ugrándozás után végre ráakasztok. A további aknák kicsik, de annál szebbek.
Kifelé jövet a nagy aknába betűz a nap és egy pontot megvilágít. Mindez alulról-oldalról a második akna tetejéről nézve feledhetetlen látvány. Felgépelés, a magasság növekedésével a biztonságérzet fordítottan arányos. Főleg, hogy tudjuk, kb. 20 méteren van a kötélen egy hiba. Nem pillangós, de azért nem kényelmes érzés. Nagy könnyebbülés áthaladni rajta.
Végre kint, gyors készülődés, hazafelé. Előtte lejelentkezünk Bercinél, aki bár állítólag már ébren van mégis sokára ér ki a kapuhoz. Arcán a párna negatívja. Nem is beszélgetünk soká, hagyjuk tovább aludni. Hazafelé megállunk a határon egy fotós geoládára. A túra pedig Ryanéknél ér véget, ahol gyors látogatást teszünk.
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Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
| |2024-03-22 16:40:32 what is the best disposable va - Szilice, 2012. május 18–20.Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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Your CBD experience will rely greatly on a number of factors. These include personal bioavailability factors (such as height, weight, and body mass), the strength of your CBD oil product, and the supporting ingredients. In general, CBD has a gentle calming effect for the mind and body. In CBD oil sweets, containing ingredients to boost energy or nutrition, that calming effect can help to focus the mind. In relaxation-based products, that calming effect can be more pronounced — especially CBD products formulated for sleep.Is CBD Legal In The UK?Yes! CBD is legal in the UK, provided the product contains less than 0.2 THC as measured by dry weight.
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Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client's photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ
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